Chocolate Bling El Vegas: veritable spell-casting array – simultaneously earth-driven & fruit-filled. Taproot cacáo goes super deep, branching dazzler fruit flecks to bullet up the cocoa-licorice sky like Independence Day. A firecracker in the mouth.
Appearance 4.6 / 5
allure of immaculate confection
allure of immaculate confection
Color: | titian brown |
Surface: | steel face |
Temper: | Cluizel’s highest luster |
Snap: | fusebox |
Aroma 9.1 / 10
gi-mungous: fresh rain, wet dense wood, java, tobacco, green olive set to ambush; on top of these, pungent clouds of fermented mango / guava cut thru orange blossom / saffron; all backed up w/ rich chocolate spinal column
Mouthfeel 16 / 15
Texture: | carnal engorgement, like oral sex (extra bonus point) |
Melt: | pinguid |
Flavor 47.2 / 50
instant chocolate Vegas -> sun drenched orange -> sun-dreamt tangerine gone ballistic on a sugarplum / licorice sky – empyreal fireworks that never fall to earth... long & strong... resumes on... oh, oh, oh, what the Picholine... olive oil... tropical pulp keeps coming -> mango / guava sparklers, slivers of crescent limes / lemongrass -> excruciatingly delicate pinpricks sent to the farthest outposts... mint -> fundamentally the taste of photosynthesis... suddenly BANG – rum raisin.... eventually, brilliance recedes (effulgence fades) to ever stronger chocolate asserting a mocha ender
Quality 19.7 / 20
A true complex: special power & finesse, strength & grace; phenomenal contra-balanced tension. Sugar/acid/bitter tripod in a highbrow vision of the good, bad & ugly standoff. CBS ~ 3:4:3