Shimmering grace among the cacáo groves. Essentially a chocolate rendering of Armando Reverón’s early landscapes & his super-nearsighted visions.
Appearance 4.2 / 5
Color: | clove |
Surface: | roughly smooth |
Temper: | plastic cast |
Snap: | tight |
Aroma 7.1 / 10
eco-challenging: compared to sweeter siblings ( 73.5% & 75%) the eruptions are dying down; out go much of the fermented fruits, replaced by deeper roasted aromas & even bigger woods -> desiccated cocoa, clay & anglica root residuals, olive sprigs, ash & charcoal from the volcanic aftermath -> recycled for tobacco smoke & things just re-beginning to turn green (green olive, distant hope of green grape & plantain [emphasis on ‘hope’])
Mouthfeel 14 / 15
Texture: | soft crystal crunch |
Melt: | smooth glide path for crystal sensations |
Flavor 41.1 / 50
shakes out table sugar -> long butter fat incorporates neutral chocolate, then breadfruit... -> finally a shift w/ drifting bitter ash -> flattens back out to basic chocolate -> chocolate cream -> cocoa ending
Quality 18.3 / 20
Virtually an equilateral triangle in terms of impact & weight (cacao mass / butter / sugar). Limited depth & range but balanced so compatibly it becomes a small work of art.