
Extra Dark

by Dead Dog
Info Details
Country USA   
Type Dark   (82% bleak)
Strain Hybrid   
Source Bolivia   (Alto Bení)
Flavor Earthen   
Style Industrial      
Dead Dog -- because this stuff smells like one after the poor pup ate some…. & died from it (canines being deathly allergic to certain bio-chemicals in cacáo).
Appearance   2 / 5
Color: mauve
Surface: mangy & beat down (huge brush strokes thicker than corduroy trousers)
Temper: shaggy
Snap: no bark, just a whimper
Aroma   6.4 / 10
sick dog done-it on cement… horrid / putrid
rights itself, in a bent over fashion, beneath coconut palms & pepper
Mouthfeel   7.6 / 15
Texture: shatter shards
Melt: none too fast
Flavor   28.1 / 50
undercooked cocoa… rather raw & green -> swerves momentarily toward a solid chocolate without reaching it, maligned in caulk & chalk… stone & talc... & it just goes on a tear from there into the lower abyss -> lighter fluid (cacáo terpenes) -> pepper gas -> stringent & strident plaster finish but, get this, a decent after-taste of Milky White Chocolate paint with some classic Bolivian purple fruit(s) awaiting a barsmith to sculpt & draw out
Quality   6.3 / 20
Dead Dog resounds with a micro-brew vibe rubbing off on the craft chocolate movement. They parallel each other in some significant ways, certainly more so than the over-wrought comparisons of "fine chocolate" with "fine wine".

Denver, CO started out with Steve De Vries. He eventually shared his workshop with Ritual. Now that city hosts the Dog. And this bar… to get over: dregs & dreck. No guts or structure to speak of… decay all around. Premature release of chocolate fluids.

2 types of Bolivian cacáo exists: Beniano & Bení mono (think of the difference between surround sound quadraphonic versus a little transistor radio). This falls out of the former & into the latter category. Then again the tail holds enough promise that maybe a reconfiguration could craft it into a decent bar.

INGREDIENTS: cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter

Reviewed January 20, 2015


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