
The chase is on. Mars, the candy giant, has been frantically mapping the cacáo genome in conjunction with whole teams of scientists from USDA field stations in Miami, FL & Beltsville, MD. Likewise their French counter – CIRAD — is equally fast at work, along...

Woodblock Chocolates

I’m betting that when it comes to fine chocolate you’re looking for the best of the best, the most exclusive artisan creations you can lay hands on. Am I right? How about chocolate so exclusive that you can’t have any? I’m at Cacao, a retail...

Stepping into Fran's

Soft jazz plays as I step into the Fran’s Chocolates store in downtown Seattle. The staff is dressed in snappy black suits with classy high collars. They’re friendly and happy, as if working in a chocolate shop is all they’ve ever wanted to do. And...

A Day at the Chocolate Factory

You know what the best part is about being in a chocolate factory? You’re in a chocolate factory. This is where the chocolate gets made. That’s the stuff of  childhood fantasy, of dreams coming alive. They make chocolate! Theo Chocolate – named for...

Kickstart this Mother

C-spotters, Madre Chocolate (Spanish for ‘mother’) released its inaugural bars last year. They were so promising &, moreover, positively inventive (Triple Cacáo with pulp, or the maple-likeness of rosita flowers also known as Cacahuaxochitl) that the...

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