Mleczna z Laskowym
by Chris & Tom / Manufactura Czekolady
A progression of type.
Takes a sad seed (CCN-51) & makes it much better with progressive variations on it from the Dark 70% parent thru to Dark-Milk, then Milk Chocolate & finally this -- a flavored-bar with mighty inclusions.
Takes a sad seed (CCN-51) & makes it much better with progressive variations on it from the Dark 70% parent thru to Dark-Milk, then Milk Chocolate & finally this -- a flavored-bar with mighty inclusions.
Appearance 4.3 / 5
Color: | oddly enough, a pecan brown |
Surface: | studded with whole hazelnuts |
Temper: | semi-gloss |
Snap: | a nutcracker |
Aroma 7.6 / 10
Mouthfeel 11.4 / 15
Texture: | cream & crunch |
Melt: | ramshackle |
Flavor 42.6 / 50
simple Milk Choc... rather than any heavy caramel roll, just very vanilla-driven -> mild hazelnut eases flavor toward the cream component of this butter-laden cocoa -> savored tail of salted-vanilla
Quality 16.2 / 20
A whole food plate in a bar (equal parts fat [cocoa butter / dairy cream], carbohydrates [sugar], fruit [cacáo] & protein [nuts]) that shows uncommon restrain given the gruff CCN cacáo clone as well as traditionally potent hazelnuts & vanilla.
The total combine here tilts the Mleczna Milk Chocolate without nuts bar into a softer fusion of Taste (though not Texture) by just plopping whole filberts into the mix. Nuts further whitewash a compound already laden with copious cocoa butter & sugar, due in part to their un-roasted state, as Chris & Tom go for complementary elements rather than any contrastive ones.
In the very act of chewing (sorry, chocoisseurs, just letting it melt & swallowing whole nuts is inadvisable) this turns into a gianduia of sorts.
As such, core chocolate flavor loses out but the bar overall wins.
ING: sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, milk powder, hazelnuts, vanilla
Reviewed November 2, 2011
The total combine here tilts the Mleczna Milk Chocolate without nuts bar into a softer fusion of Taste (though not Texture) by just plopping whole filberts into the mix. Nuts further whitewash a compound already laden with copious cocoa butter & sugar, due in part to their un-roasted state, as Chris & Tom go for complementary elements rather than any contrastive ones.
In the very act of chewing (sorry, chocoisseurs, just letting it melt & swallowing whole nuts is inadvisable) this turns into a gianduia of sorts.
As such, core chocolate flavor loses out but the bar overall wins.
ING: sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, milk powder, hazelnuts, vanilla
Reviewed November 2, 2011